27611 Raleigh, United States
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French nationality
Lives in United States
Searching for a au pair
Last login
Sunday 09. Feb 2020
Thursday 06. Feb 2020
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Au pair will care for our two children. Boys are 3 and 4 years old. We are a family of four.
-Must have patience and be a creative problem solver
- Must be an EXCELLENT and SAFE DRIVER : most of the job will be driving. Must be comfortable with driving during the day, and evening and during the all weather including rain and snow. You will have access to a car but will also have to share with my son who has sports after school and weekends. We are close to public transportation. Aupair must be willing to learn how to drive.
-Must be INDEPENDENT and RESPONSIBLE: our family is busy and the weekends are typically our time together. You will be a part of the family, and will be welcome to join dinner - when we have family dinners, you’ll be included to all holidays (like Thanksgiving/Christmas), but we want someone who is an independent adult who likes to spend her free time with friends (home or out), or by herself
-Must be ACTIVE and ENERGETIC (walk, run, hop skip....)
-Must like the beach and pool be a strong swimmer and enjoy playing in the sun and sand. Aupair must be willing to learn how to swim.
- Must be NEAT and ORGANIZED
You will have time off during the day while the kids are at school and you will have to bring/pick them up at school, make lunch, take them home and to activities/practice, give them snacks, supervise homework and help with dinner. Aupair will have free weekends off for her self.
Depending on season you may have to work a few hours on Saturday/Sunday and an occasional date night...
That will be discussed between me and aupair so that we can have a mutual understanding.
If you are interested send a message
Prefers an person in the age range
18 - 26 years
Work experience
0 years
Required hours of work by the profile
35 - 40 hours
Expected salary
340 - 345 USD per hour
Live in
Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
9 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
12 month(s)
Not specified
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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