Danish nationality
Lives in Denmark
Searching for a au pair
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Saturday 11. Sep 2021
Tuesday 23. Mar 2021
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Dear Au Pair
We are a family living in Charlottenlund north of Copenhagen who are seeking an au pair to take care of our kids and help around the house.
Our family is big and busy with John having his own business and Mette working full time. We have three sons who is 18, 8 and 6 years old.
We live in a very nice neighborhood with many au pairs from the Philipines and close to the beach plus the forest at the end of our garden as well as shops and cafées nearby. We live around 10 km from the city center of Copenhagen and close to public transportation. You will have your own room in the basement. The basement has separate toilet and shower, so you will be able to have a relative private life from the rest of the family at your own choice.
We are looking for a smiling person who would like to be part of a dynamic and active family and can support us in raising our kids with love and care and do the house hold. We would like a person who is independent and responsible and speaks good English or German. We do not require but would appreciate if you have a driver license, can swim, like to cook, intend to stay 24 months and have been working as an au pair for at least one year before.
For the house hold we expect you to help do our laundry, clean the house and prepare and tidy up after breakfast during weekdays. We like you to prepare dinner and eat with us 2-3 evenings per week.
We imagine you to help us with our kids on a flexible basis. We expect you to help pick up the kids in school and help looking after the kids in the afternoons until we are home from work. School is less than 800 meters from the house. You should also expect to either help out or babysit a couple of evenings per month. In total your help will add up to 30 hours per week on average and your pay will be 4250 DKK pr. month of which you will pay 8% in taxes. You are invited to be part of our family life, but we of course also respect and support your wishes to do language course, sports or social activities in your free time.
We hope you find the above short description interesting and would like to learn more about our family through a skype or messenger call. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Mette & John + kids

Prefers an person in the age range
25 - 28 years
Work experience
1 years
Required hours of work by the profile
25 - 30 hours
Expected salary
4.000 - 4.500 DKK per month
Live in
Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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