2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Danish nationality
Lives in Denmark
Searching for a au pair
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Tuesday 03. Jan 2023
Monday 14. Feb 2022
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We are very blessed to have a happy and fulfilling marriage and two gorgeous daughters. As we both have full-time careers, we are looking for help us make life a bit more manageable and ensure that our daughter has a healthy, happy and stable day-to-day. Here is a bit about who we are and what we are looking for: About you: Your English is almost perfect. You are at least 25 years old with 2 years of working experience. If you come from abroad, then you are under 30 (per legal requirements). You do not have children of your own. We also hope that you are a good cook and are organized and proactive. Accommodation: We live in a 165 square meter ground floor apartment in Frederiksberg, a 20 minute bike into central Copenhagen. You would have your own bathroom and bedroom, a bicycle and we cover the cost of food. You eat dinner together with us on weeknights and as part of our family, prepare for our nightly game of "good bad proud", where everyone tells a bit about their day. :) Your life in Copenhagen: Our last au pair loved hanging out with her Filipina friends on the weekends. She often stopped by the house and then popped out for dinner or to stay at one of the host family houses (her friends also stayed at our home when we were away for the weekend). We still have connections to our au pair and to the Filipina community here and would be very happy to help introduce you - it is important that you have a fulfilling social life here. Related, we also tend to take over the living room and kitchen on weekends (especially during these corona times) and it can be a bit chaotic. Still, we are happy to say hello and ask about your day. What we expect - household chores: We ask a lot - laundry, cleaning and tidying, dinner every night, help picking up (and dropping off potentially), groceries, and so on. But you are not a 'helper' you are our house manager. You help keep us running and we are so grateful for this. So we do expect a lot, but we are also very flexible. *You will not work more than the hours in your contract* and you can expect that we also help out around the house. If you are stressed, or something is not working, then we *expect* you to tell us so that we can discuss and find a better solution. Similarly, you ask questions and you come with solutions. You are not afraid to say when you do not know something, or cannot remember how something works. You may notice the girls are hungry and text to ask if we can eat dinner a bit early that night. You are structured, you get things done, you make mistakes and that is okay because we learn together. You bring calm and we think that you are fantastic. What we expect - watching the girls: Our oldest daughter (5 years old) is a big personality - she has a flair for drama and can be found acting out her role as lead mermaid on any given day / bathtime. She is loving and caring and even though she has strong opinions, she manages to include her friends and listen to how they want to play. She is the life of the party. She is not the "easy" kid though. She reacts quickly and can be stubborn. At the same time, she has learned and works hard every day to 'use her words' to express her feelings. She tries and she cares. The closer you get to her, the more she will test your boundaries (like any kid). So if this makes you laugh, smile and think of some other stubborn (but amazing) tiny person that you love, then that is great. If you think 'yikes she sounds difficult' then we are probably not the family for you. And that is okay :) But if you want a bit of easy in your life, then let me introduce you to our one year old. She is the perfect balance to Eva. Leeah is cute, adorable, easy as can be, giggly and adores her big sister. She does not get upset when you tell her no... she just smiles and laughs and does it anyway (which will bring a different set of problems ;) Together, they are a fantastic pair, and they need an au pair who listens, communicates, and can follow through. (We are not strict, but we try to be firm and consistent.) Food: We are fairly healthy eaters and we hope to find someone who loves to cook and does a good job helping us prepare healthy meals during the weekdays. (vegetables, lean meats and healthy carbs like sweet potatoes or red rice) We have recipes and we are also happy to try some of your favorite foods to cook. About us: One important thing - we laugh. We speak Danish and English in the home, the girls are hilarious and when we aren't ready to kill them, we are having a lot of fun. Anders is an easy-going, simple guy from Denmark. His weakness is relaxing in front of the TV and ice cream. He is always on top of it and keeps the family running. He is a lawyer, but the 'cool kind' (or so he likes to think). Kristen is from the USA but has lived in Europe for over 10 years. She is a creative thinker and a bit sassy. She is the family planner and her weakness is having high standards. She works with communications, which should not be a real job... but is. ;) After a long week, you can find both of them relaxing on the couch with a glass of wine ready to do a lot of nothing. While our careers are a priority right now, we are not willing to sacrifice these special years with our daughter and we do not want our family to be defined by the stress of two parents who are constantly struggling to make it all work. We know that having you in our lives can be a gift to you and to us at the same time. How often do we get so lucky? That is why we would be so grateful for someone to become part of our family, become a trusted and respected role model for Eva and Leeah, and help us manage the practical day to day work in our household. We look forward to any cultural exchange, from trying new foods to learning about your history and culture (as we did with our former au pair, Fel, who was a treasure in our home). Thank you so much for reading this far. If you are interested, please write back with a few good, thoughtful questions for us and let me know what stands out about our family and why you believe you would be a good fit. Please be aware that we will do our best to reply to your message, but if we do not reply in 2 days then we most likely are not interested and do wish you the best. Thank you, Kristen, Anders, Eva and Leeah
Prefers an person in the age range
22 - 30 years
Work experience
3 years
Required hours of work by the profile
25 - 30 hours
Expected salary
4.600 - 5.500 DKK per month
Live in
Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
12 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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