Au pair, Philippines
33 year old female
Filipino nationality
Lives in Philippines
Seeking work as au pair
5 years of experience with child care
Last login
Monday 07. Jun 2021
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Hi, I am Reyna Mae Reuyan, 30 years old from the Philippines. I am a breadwinner in our family. I am the one working to provide the needs of my children and family. I have a domestic partner who is the one to take good care of our kids. I have two kids. They are boys Namely, Renz Romnick, 8 years old and Renz Zion, 6 years old. I know being a working mom is hard too. But we need to take a job to give them a better life. It is not new for me to take care of naughty children. co'z i have it already. Hehehe😁, But it's normal for their age. You must be patient when it comes to taking care of children. Actually, being a mom is the best experience to take care of the other children. I know it's hard but I enjoyed making a bond with the kids. When you are with children you will feel pure joy because they do not think of any problem but being happy. Seeing them happy. You become happy too. Don't worry, I treat your children as my own child too. I have a long time experience as a housekeeper and babysitter for my aunt. 5 years experience being a House Helper while i am studying. I have a big dream to finish my studies. Since, my parents can't afford my studies. So I decided to apply as a house helper in my aunt's house while they are working. I manage my time to do a task every day. Early in the Morning i woke up to prepare a family breakfast. After they leave the house I make sure everything is clean and fine. Then I go to school for my studies. After lunch I fetched their two children from school. And prepare their lunch. After school, I prepare food and do the laundry. Their youngest child will sleep with me because he prefers to sleep beside me. I give him milk before bed and read him stories. I really like their kids. They treat me as a big sister. They like me so much. I show them that I love them and they treat me nice too. I finished my studies during a hard time. And because of those kids that makes me feel good and better. I got my dream to finish my studies. I believe that being comfortable with kids are achievements in life. So, I am looking for your cute and kind kids in future. I promise to prioritize taking care of them and do household chores. Hope to hear and meet your family soon. It's my pleasure to work with your family. especially, to take care of the kids. Please feel free to contact me. I am glad to have an online interview to know more about me. Thank you for the time and keep safe always. Sincerely, Reyna Mae Reuyan, Philippines The culture of the Philippines comprises a blend of traditional Filipino and Spanish Catholic traditions, with influences from America and other parts of Asia. The Filipinos are family oriented and often religious with an appreciation for art, fashion, music and food.
Expected salary
Live in
Job type
Full time
Family nationality
Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
10 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
United States
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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