Au pair, Philippines
24 year old female
Filipino nationality
Lives in Philippines
Seeking work as au pair
0 years of experience with child care
Last login
Friday 25. Sep 2020
Saturday 26. Sep 2020
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Hi I'm Beverly Ann V.Yanuaria, no kids and single. I was born and raised In Manila, Philippines. Im curently working in BPo.I dont have professional experience when it comes to taking care of elderly and kids but I have experience at home since im incharge in everything. That's the reason why Im confident that I can do my responsibility. Experience with your loved ones and taking care of them with love is the best experience at all. If you love what you are doing, It would be easier to help others to do things. Since I Stopped due to financial, I am the one who took care of Aira, Jarren and Ian, they are my cousins until they finish elementary and now they are in grade 12, I clean the dorm and preparing what they need to bring at school everyday. When Jarren is only 1year old, I am incharge by giving him milk and changing his diaper that's why he is very close to me. This is the first experienced I had. When he turned 12, we started playing online games, bought bike and we visit play ground when its free time. That is the reason why I love working and playing with children. I am prepared and Im willing to learn new things with you. At the very young age, I can say that I know my responsibility. I was raised by my grandparents and since im working now, I am responsible to provide their needs just a small return by giving money and groceries. If I will be with elderly, I can take care them by giving all the love and treat as my grandparents. I also help my mom to pay the bills everymonth and I am the who buy things that will beautify our house and dorm. I love decorating. I am prepared and well aware of the fact that being like a big sister for your children comes along with responsibilities for them and it will not always be just play and fun. My calm and patient personality will help me to master more difficult situations if they don’t want to listen. With household chores, I can do simple meals. Im not good in cooking but since there is social media I can research and follow guidelines. I love researching and experimenting by my own! When it comes to cleaning, I never stop cleaning bathroom and all rooms before going to bed and waking up.Thats my routine, I always keep cleanliness. I'm willing to learn more if needed since I will be a aupair. Since I attented tourism course, my hobbies are traveling and exploring something new. I love designing and decorating our house and dorm. I love knowing others personality by having conversation with them when I started in Bpo. I love shopping and going outside with my friends, family and cousins every Sunday. I love Spending time with them every weekends. I have interest in learning new and getting to know your culture. I have small dogs named Beige and Pocholo. If you have dogs or pets at home I can assure you that I can love and pet them as my own.

I want to achive my dream but since i stopped tourism course, It was not fullfilled. Actually, My job being a callcenter in BPO and working as a supervisor is good enough to support our everyday needs but ofcourse I really want to fullfill my dream to travel around the world especially in the Netherlands and know your culture. It's part of myself and I'll never stop until I make it. I believe I found a way to go in your country not just working and to earn money. By being an aupair and by the help of our host family, you help us to grow more, give us a chance to learn your culture and to experience what we really want in exchange by doing simple household chores. I am positive person, open in things that we need to work out and appreciative in small and big things. Living with me is really easy as I am not demanding person, I have patience and I am open if something that is wrong, l will make it right to avoid any conflict. I can follow house rules and your instructions. I hope you like my letter and I can't wait to hear a response from you.
Expected salary
No preferred
Job type
Full time
Family nationality
Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
1 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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