Au pair, 9501 Alabel, Philippines
31 year old female
Filipino nationality
Lives in 9501  Alabel, Philippines
Seeking work as au pair
5 years of experience with child care
Have first aid certificate
Last login
Tuesday 22. Mar 2016
Wednesday 10. Feb 2016
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Dear Family,

I am Rachel Joy, 23 years old.

I am very simple, patient, lovable, sweet, and responsible. I am also a singer and a trying hard composer, when I am vacant I used to compose songs related on my everyday life.

I can easily mingle and adjust with other people. I passionate and perform my duty and task with the prescribe standard. In terms of my working skills, I am very efficient, active and confident enough to do my job well. I am structured and intelligent and can easily learn things fast.

I can work independently and with less supervision.

I have been to Singapore for about 4 months working in a Chocolate store and then have worked in Taiwan for about 2 years.

Education and Skills:

I am a graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management

About my skills. I have an In-House On the Job Training from our school in Mini Hotel, Housekeeping, Cafeteria, Bakeshoppe and Bakery. I have complied 20hours training in each of the area and I have to work 4 hours eveyday until I complete the 100 hours training in College. I must follow the rules, clean the area and maintain the beautification, attend guest needs and demand and rendering a good quality service to the customers.

Because of my passion and courage to work hard and perform my duty and task with the prescribe standard. I was given an award by the Managers of the two establishment (A Hotel and the other is a Restaurant with Catering) as an Outstanding on the Job Trainee for year 2012 and it was given to me on the day of our graduation.

When I was a kid I always dream to become a successful chef someday. I love to cook, I can make salads, sandwiches, cook chicken, fish and beef dishes and vegetables. I love to try new recipes. I also love to bake cakes, cookies and pastries.

I planned to put up a business like restaurant or bar where i can apply and intact all the knowledge that I have learned everyday and developed my cooking skills each and everyday.

I have a very good practical experiences with childcare from ages of 13 years. They are:

-Sonny Earl ( 4-6 years old)
-Trystal Jay (3-6 years old)
-Airro neil (since baby until he reaches the age of 6)

At home we don’t have nanny so it is necessary for me to help my mom to take care of my three siblings and it is because I am the eldest and the one and only girl in our family I have to practice my knowledge and widen up my skills in child-care.

When they are about 3 to 6 years, I used to play with them, feed them when they are hungry, make sure that they take a bath 8:30 in the morning, Take good care of them, teaches them some basic words everyday and love them with all my heart.

I teach them educational activities, like puzzles, watching educational programs, showing them books so that they can see some beautiful pictures, reading them stories and teaching them about letters and numbers, shapes and colors.

I am very much excited to come in your country and explore the beauty of Europe as well. I would be happy to serve and be a part of your family and I will do my very best to help you, to make you proud and I will enjoy my stay every single day. I have gone to other countries but I want to extend my horizon when it comes to the lifestyle and culture of other countries. My desire of going to Europe is to become more independent

I hope that I have given you a good overview about myself. Maybe we can talk at skype?

Have a great day!

Expected salary
4.000 - 4.000 DKK per month
Live in
Job type
Full time
Family nationality
Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Not specified
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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