Au pair, Colombia
30 year old female
Colombian nationality
Lives in Colombia
Seeking work as au pair
3 years of experience with child care
Have driving license
Have first aid certificate
Last login
Sunday 10. Oct 2021
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I am glad you have reached my profile and you can read my letter. I hope I am the right person to be in your family to be able to share experiences, language, customs, and culture with all of you. Let me introduce myself, I am Isabela GarcĂ­a lorza. I was born in Buga, Valle del Cauca, in Colombia. I am 28 years old. I am a woman who loves design, being creative, and is very passionate about innovation. I am full of great values and willing to share them with you so you could know me a little better. I am a very respectful, caring, honest, and responsible person, difficult to become angry, and very sentimental. I graduated from High School in Buga, in 2010. Then, I moved to Cali city where I went to university. In 2015, I graduated in Visual Communication Design. I love this career because it is full of art, creativity, communication, and advertising. I am very happy I chose this career, and I love what I do for a living. My family is small. Javier is my father. He is a pilot by profession but 30 years ago he became an entrepreneur and set up a warehouse for agricultural supplies. My mother Patricia is a lawyer and works in the Superior Court in my hometown. I only have a sibling which is my older sister, her name is Juliana. She is an industrial engineer and works in a company called Giros y Finanzas. We are a very close family. We love spending time together, making food, chatting, and going shopping. In my free time, I like being at home, watching movies, swimming, walking, and traveling. The latter is what I enjoy the most, and it is one of my biggest dreams. I love getting to know new cultures, their gastronomy, their customs, and those magic places each country has. In 2014, I went to New York to take care of my cousin for three months. His name is Matthew, at that time, he was 9 years old. While my aunt and her husband went to work I stayed with him. We did his homework together, I took him to his soccer practice, and collaborated with his chores. In 2019, I went to New Jersey in the USA for four months. Overthere, I took care of three beautiful children. Every week, from Monday to Friday I took care of two of them, and on Saturdays I babysitted the other one. I always arrived early, woke them up, gave them breakfast, and we used to play all morning. Then, at noon I made them lunch and gave it to them. After lunch, they took a nap and when they were up we did more activities together like painting, playing. We enjoyed spending time together, and laughed. seeing how their imagination and their occurrences make us so happy. Naturally, once in a while they threw their tantrums, the normal thing for a child but most of the time we understood each other very well, they loved me and I loved them. The truth is that I have always liked children but from that moment I realized that I love being with them. Seeing how their imagination and their occurrences make me very happy. I loved that experience and when they come to Colombia they visit me, so we still keep in touch. Last year, my sister-in-law got pregnant and I was very happy because a new family member arrived. Her name is Celeste. She was born eight months ago and she has made us fell in love. I enjoy giving her baths, taking her for a walk, going swimming, feeding her, and putting her to sleep. Thanks to Celeste I have learned a lot about newborn babies, and I have loved being in all their stages. Being an Au Pair motivates me because spending time with children, and taking care of them is something I like to do. I know that I will learn a lot from them and they will learn a lot from me. I am convinced that we are going to get along very well, and it also is a great opportunity to learn many things for when I have the opportunity to be a mother, which is one of my dreams. Knowing the children and also you, their parents, getting involved in your culture, tasting new flavors and food, the climate, being away from my family and my comfort zone, fills me with excitement and happiness. I am pretty sure this experience will make me a stronger person, full of dreams, and getting to know other countries while doing something that I like, seems like a unique opportunity. My native language is Spanish and speaking English perfectly is another of my dreams. At the moment I have a basic English level A2- B1 but I hope to improve it and to be able to speak it fluently. I would also like to be able to learn many more languages, it seems something very interesting to me, and I hope I can achieve it. I am full of expectations with this trip. I have already told you about some of them, and I just want you to know that I am fulfilling my dreams, something very important to me. I have never been to another city or country without anyone from my family. That is why this step is something unique. I feel very strong. I feel this is my moment and I know that everything I do, I will do it with all the love and passion in the world. I hope you have been able to know a little about me. I only want to thank you for making it to the end of my letter. I want to be able to see you and answer all the doubts and questions you have. Thanks a million.
Expected salary
Live in
Job type
Full time
Family nationality
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Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
12 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
24 month(s)
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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