Au pair, Argentina
24 year old female
Argentinian nationality
Lives in Argentina
Seeking work as au pair
6 years of experience with child care
Have driving license
Have first aid certificate
Last login
Friday 05. Mar 2021
Wednesday 24. Feb 2021
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Hello dear family! My name is Wanda Castañares, I like to be called Wan or Wandi. I'm twenty-one years old, I´m from Argentina and I would love to be your new au pair. Let me tell you a little about myself. My childhood was living in the country where my parents were working at the time, I grew up with horses, cows and farm animals; at the age of seven, we moved to a quiet town called Trenque Lauquen, where I finished high school and lived all my travel experiences with the church, with my field hockey team and school trips. At eighteen I moved to the big city, moved out on my own and learned to be independent. I study architecture at the University of Buenos Aires, it was a little difficult to leave my family, but the change was beautiful because I discovered new experiences, made many friends and I study a career that I am passionate about and plan to finish when I return from my year as an au pair. At home I live with my father Victor, the greatest person I know, he transmits me all his values and his unconditional support in all the goals I set for myself, he always accompanied me to all my field hockey games and he cared a lot about my good education, although I keep learning every day from him, my father encourages me to fulfill all my dreams. My sister Rocio, we get along very well, she is older than me, she is studying industrial engineering and sometimes she helps me with my college homework if something is not going well; her daughter Mia, my eight-year-old niece, taught me how nice it is to be an aunt, she is very affectionate and always wants to play and learn new things with me. ; I'm a very active person, I like to plan things to have an order and make the most of the day, I love to do all kinds of activities, especially if they are outdoors, like playing sports, riding a bike, taking long. walks, going to the park to drink mates, gardening. I also like to paint, draw, do crafts, interior decoration and design different projects that can be done in the future. In the evenings I love watching movies if I have to choose my favorites are the Shrek saga and Harry Potter. I also love reading, my secret is that I love poetry, adventure novels and psychology books. As for my personality, I am a very spiritual person, sensitive, loving, open-minded, always smiling, understanding, empathetic and above all a good companion. I like to create bonds with the people I meet in life, I try to leave my mark everywhere I go, to be always ready to serve others and help them and accompany them in everything I can. I like to transmit confidence, to be someone who brings tranquility and good energy wherever I go. I have a lot of experience working with children, I started when I was fifteen years old in interactive activities with children in church missions. In Trenque Lauquen I was a catechism teacher, I also traveled to towns near my city to work with children and I made two important trips to the north of the country with a group of young people, we went to Brea Pozo in Santiago del Estero and Tucumán, vulnerable towns to which we took donations and a lot of desire to share, play with the children and learn about the history of the people of that place. I worked with groups of several children in summer school, and also as a children´s field field hockey assistant at the Club. I have a lot of experience as a babysitter in my city, during the year in the evenings, or in the summer in the mornings or on weekends when parents wanted to go out on a date. Whenever the family needs me. When I moved to Buenos Aires, I worked taking care of my cousins. My age experience is from 0 to 12 years old.; I really enjoy taking care of children, I believe they always have something to teach us. I love their energy, their love, and watching them grow makes me excited. Being an au pair gives me the possibility to combine two wonderful things that I love, like traveling and spending time with children. I am very excited about the idea of being part of their family, getting to know them, their way of life, their values, their interests, their culture and their history. I am super willing to start this new adventure, to learn from new experiences, to meet new people, and as I said before, to leave my mark. Thank you very much for taking the time to read about me and my story, I wish I could meet you soon and continue telling you everything about my life in Argentina, I hope to be your new au pair, Have a nice day! Best, Wan.
Expected salary
Live in
Job type
Full time
Family nationality
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Earliest start date
Latest start date
Shortest period nanny is required
3 month(s)
Longest period nanny is required
12 month(s)
Will care for children under 2 years
Will care for children with special needs
Has driving licence
Has first-aid training
Will look after pets
Can swim
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