3060 Espergærde,
Dansk nationalitet | |
Bor i Danmark | |
Søger efter en au pair |
Sidst log ind
onsdag 14. jan 2015
søndag 07. dec 2014
Dear Au Pair
We are a very nice family in Denmark - we have a 3 year old son and a 1 year old girl. Our children are very funny and quite easy considering their age:-) We are looking for a very nice girl with a good attitude to help us with house work (specially cooking) and hopefully be a great company to us all.
The main task for you is to take care of all house duties - especially cooking every evening from monday-Friday. My husband come home from work quite late, so currently I pick up the children at 4 pm and go home and cook for us all - I am looking forward to have someone to help me in regards to cooking:-) Off course we hope that our au pair will have great chemistry with our children and they will consider you as a nice big sister, so you can some times pick them up from kindergarten and also some times put them to bed. Other tasks would be grocey shopping, clean the house, wash the clothes, iron my husbands shirts, preparing breakfast.
Our idea is that you work the 30 hours per week from Monday - Friday and have the weekends off - You can hang out in the house with us in the weekends or go visit friends.
Please let me know If you would like to hear about our wonderful family and see some pictures!:-) Please provide an email address, so I can send some pictures:-)
When would you be able to come to Denmark?
We live north of Copenhagen in a city called Espergærde - 35 minutes from Copenhagen.
Best Regards
We are a very nice family in Denmark - we have a 3 year old son and a 1 year old girl. Our children are very funny and quite easy considering their age:-) We are looking for a very nice girl with a good attitude to help us with house work (specially cooking) and hopefully be a great company to us all.
The main task for you is to take care of all house duties - especially cooking every evening from monday-Friday. My husband come home from work quite late, so currently I pick up the children at 4 pm and go home and cook for us all - I am looking forward to have someone to help me in regards to cooking:-) Off course we hope that our au pair will have great chemistry with our children and they will consider you as a nice big sister, so you can some times pick them up from kindergarten and also some times put them to bed. Other tasks would be grocey shopping, clean the house, wash the clothes, iron my husbands shirts, preparing breakfast.
Our idea is that you work the 30 hours per week from Monday - Friday and have the weekends off - You can hang out in the house with us in the weekends or go visit friends.
Please let me know If you would like to hear about our wonderful family and see some pictures!:-) Please provide an email address, so I can send some pictures:-)
When would you be able to come to Denmark?
We live north of Copenhagen in a city called Espergærde - 35 minutes from Copenhagen.
Best Regards
Foretrækker en person af alderen
24 - 35 år |
2 år |
Forventet ugentligt arbejdstimer
30 - 30 timer |
Forventet løn
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Ingen foretrukken |
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Ikke angivet |
Seneste start dato
Ikke angivet |
Engelsk |
{{result}} |
Filippinsk |
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