Au pair, Brasilien
27 årige kvinde
Portugisisk nationalitet
Bor i Brasilien
Søger job som au pair
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fredag 11. sep 2020
fredag 11. sep 2020
Dear Family, I have a great experience with children working since 2015. My first experience was with Maria Eduarda, daughter of Claudia a friend of my family, I take care of her since she was 01 year old until the age of 4, always lively, outgoing, speaker and creative. My tasks were to bath, feed, take to school and sometimes even pick up at school, we played singing, dancing, read stories, sometimes put to sleep. My second experience was with Gabriel who is the same age as Maria Eduarda, son of my friend Aline, a very sweet, cute and educated boy took care of him a few times in the week whenever his mother needed and some weekends as well. With him he performed the same tasks he had with Maria Eduarda. We like to play ball, ride a bike, play a lot in the city parks, play hide and seek, jump rope. I had other experiences with Otávio and Miguel as well, two incredible and creative children, we fantasized about heroes, watched cartoons, Otávio is 8 years old and Miguel was 5 years old, sometimes helping with homework, helping with the first books and writing his first words, drawing, painting, was fantastic! My current experience is with 3 boys ages of 13, 10, 7 years old, my diary tasks are check if they bath, check if they has been completed their homework, school projects, going to the library, reading books, watching TV, taking them to school, cook and help when they need. Always paying attention to what they are doing and ensuring their safety indoors or outdoors. We must meet the needs of each child in a different way, being fun, caring and responsible, showing what is right or wrong always coming into consensus with the opinion of the family. I'm very responsible, a quality that caregivers really need, I am dedicated, cooperative, organized, I'm always willing to learn new things. I like to ensure the well-being of everyone around me, being patient and considerate, showing respect and gratitude. I believe I have many good things to add to the lives of children and families who choose me. I'm sure that the children I care for have learned a lot from me and learn a lot from them. I have always wanted to know another country, to learn new cultures and to have the opportunity to improve my english and learn a new language and culture. In my house in Brazil Iive with my mom and my older brother we divide the domestic tasks so that there is no conflict, always respecting the space and the opinion of the other. I cook, clean some places in the house and take care of our pet. My brother always helps me in what I need. My mother always cooks when she's off duty. Our pet the joy of the house, we always go out for a walk. Loving someone implies a lot of responsibilities. Therefore, it is important that we know how to respect each other for ever to live in peace and harmony. I want to share my experiences and knowledge, to be the person the family can call when they need someone they can trust, to be constantly around the children taking care of, to participate in their daily activities always helping to solve their problems when necessary. The au pair program has given me the opportunity to work with what I love and be able to take the children and family a bit of my culture and language. Life is made of mutual exchanges, respect, complicity, affection, love, humility and smiles among other good things which is what I want to be able to exchange with the family that chooses me.
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