Au pair, 9000 Cagayan de Oro City, Filippinerne
30 årige kvinde
Filippinsk nationalitet
Bor i 9000  Cagayan de Oro City, Filippinerne
Søger job som au pair
2 års erfaring med børnepasning
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Sidst log ind
fredag 26. dec 2014
søndag 02. nov 2014
Hi family,

A pleasant day to you! I am Margareth, I am 20 years old, an architecture student looking for inspiration, and I am dreaming to travel and explore Denmark

I would like to be an aupair because I want to learn and experience culture of other countries. As an Architecture student in the University and an artist at heart, Europe can give me many inspirations that I cant find in my country. Its been my dream since I was a teenager to marvel at the beautiful architectures and castles that I only saw in the movies and post cards. It also fascinates me to meet people with different views and culture from mine.

I believe that as an aupair to your family, I will be a great help and you can depend on me. I can cook and I am very comfortable cooking in the kitchen even left alone. I am good in cooking spring rolls, pastas, meat and vegetable dishes, prepare sandwiches, salads and making pancakes. I would be happy also to maintain cleanliness in your house, keeping the rooms clean, arranged and tidy. I am very familiar with all cycle washing machine, vacuum and dishwasher. I clean well, not so fast, just a normal speed but thorough. I am very familiar with the aupair program because 2 of my olders sisters where previously aupairs.

I came from a very big family. Our father is a retired govt employee and our mother is a plain housewife and amazing mother. I have 8 siblings (4 sisters and 4 brothers) and I am the 9th and youngest.

Because of my family background, I can say that I am a person who easily relates well to people of different personalities. I can easily adjust to anyone and live well with them. I easily gain friends, and my friends describe me as outgoing, sociable, and approachable.

I am very family-oriented. I am respecful, understanding, and caring to my own family. And I have very close relationship with my mother. When she has a leg fractured and has orthopedic operation early last year, she was unable to walk and need help every time. So, I was personally compelled to temporarily stop my studies in the university to take care for her, since I am the only girl left at home. My 2 eldest sisters are already married. My 2 older sisters are living abroad and both were previously working as aupairs. This is the reason why I am still 3rd year in the university when I should be in 5th year already. But I understand the personal sacrifice and welcome it since it is my own mother who benefits from it.

I am very fond of children too. My child-care experiences were from my nephews and nieces. Over all, I have two nephews and three nieces. Being an aunt to the children has given me the opportunity to take care of them. We live in the same compound so they are always in our house. Typical day being with them is very enjoyable and challenging because it requires lot patience and you have to give your attention to the child. My nieces and nephews are very active, we play games, read books ( they always request me to read). In fact, we also spend playing with our family friends and neighbors children.

About my personality, I easily gain friends, outgoing type of person and the 3 words that best describe me are friendly, sociable, approachable, & compassionate, always ready to help. I am flexible in terms of work and very open minded.

My hobbies are sketching, swimming, reading books, and playing casual badminton. I also have a pet dog.

Dear family, thank you so much for taking time to read about me. If you think my profile is of interest in you or you have more clarifications and questions, please send me a message.

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850 - 900 DKK pr. uge
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Familiens nationalitet
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