Au pair, 4402 Canaman, Filippinerne
35 årige kvinde
Filippinsk nationalitet
Bor i 4402  Canaman, Filippinerne
Søger job som au pair
2 års erfaring med børnepasning
Har førstehjælpsbevis
Sidst log ind
onsdag 21. jan 2015
søndag 02. nov 2014
Dear family,

I am Rechelle , 25 years old from Philippines. I am creative, mature, patient, independent, outgoing and trustworthy person. In terms of work I am flexible to changes, has the initiative, responsible and hardworking. I am fun loving and loves to be around with children. I liked to enjoy life to the fullest. My family and friends says that I am very kind, loving, caring and patient person.

Why I want to be an aupair:

I want to be an aupair because being an aupair is a great way to see the world and experience new culture and the country itself firsthand. I want to have opportunity to see beautiful places. I believe that as an aupair it is important that I am patient, matured, level headed, open minded and must love children.

My work experiences:

Currently, I am working as a Domestic helper, I started last March 15,2014 until now. My daily responsibilities are cooking the breakfast, lunch and dinner, do the laundry, iron the clothes, clean the bathroom, change the beddings, washing the dishes, arrange the house and make it clean and tidy. I also help the children during the morning to get ready for school.

During the morning, I help Helmuth Ulrich (8 years old) dress up in the morning and get ready for school. Mariane is only 1 year old and I babysit her when both parents go to work. I really enjoy my housework here and taking care of the children. I help in feeding the children, when Helmuth have school homework, I help him. I also play with the children and watch TV with them. When left with Mariane, I feed her, make sure she is safe, clean always and happy.

Then after the children left, I start cleaning the ceiling, wall, windows, appliances, furniture and floor. Clean the bathroom: start cleaning the ceiling, mirror, lavatory, bath tub, brush the toilet bowl and flush, check the towel if dirty then change it with clean one, put toilet paper , collect garbage, and clean the floor.
Making up of bed there are three kinds of linen to be use fitted sheet use to cover, flat sheet used as a blanket, comforter use as a bed cover. I wash the clothes, I hand wash the delicate clothes and machine wash the heavy clothes. Then iron the clothes.

I love my work, especially when I take care of the children and play with them. I also help the children do their school home work. When the children are bored, we do some activities or play with them. I am taking care of Helmuth (8 years old) and Marianne ( since 7 months until now 1 year old).
Caring for children is easy for me because I enjoy being with children and I am used to being left with my younger sister when she was young and growing up. I have lots of patience with children especially when they are crying and have tantrums. It is also rewarding when the child will hug you and said they love because you have taken care of them very well. I am also responsible of bathing the children, prepare the food, help them change clothes when gets dirty.


Aside from my practical trainings at home and in my current work about house cleaning, I have a formal training in Household Services. Part of the program is to teach us how to properly clean the whole house systematically like in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and the living room.

I say that my cooking skill is very good. I am used to cooking our meals, like pasta, pork, chicken and beef menus and vegetables. I see to it that I use the three basic food groups which is the go, glow and grow. I can prepare Hot and Cold Meals, like beef stews or Tossed Salad
Family Background:

My father is a farmer and my mother died last 2004 when I was just graduating in high school. It was very difficult time for us because me and my younger siblings are still young and my youngest sister was just 11 months old that time.

I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters

I learned so many things when my mother died. It molded me to become stronger in facing problems, to have long patience because I help in taking care of my 11 months old sister and be independent because there is no one at home who will take care of us like preparing the food, cleaning the house, doing our laundry and assist us when we go to school. At an early age me and my brother and sister knows how to cook, clean the house and take care of ourselves. We take turns in doing the household chores.

I learned to cook thru my father is who is a good cook. He taught me to cook during my younger days so we can manage at home when he is away working in the farm.

I hope I have given you an good overview about myself and write me. I can provide a reference upon request.

Respecfully Yours,
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3.250 - 3.250 DKK pr. uge
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