Au pair, Litauen
23 årige kvinde
Litauisk nationalitet
Bor i Litauen
Søger job som au pair
0 års erfaring med børnepasning
Sidst log ind
tirsdag 21. maj 2019
tirsdag 08. jan 2019
My name is Paulina. I am junior student from Lithuania. I have a twin brother.(SCROLL DOWN for a short letter in french) IMPORTANT. Due to my school year, I can only be an au pair from 24th of June till 31st of August (about 2 months). By that time I will already be 18.
I am an honest and reliable person. I would describe myself as a peaceful one, as I do not like to fight. I always find a way to make any conflict solved or even better discuss concerning matters and prevent things from getting out of hand. In the beginning, I can be rather shy, but as time goes you will see my friendly and bright personality coming through. I am determined and loyal. Also, I would like to say that I am an active, outgoing person, who lives a joyful and meaningful life.
I am tidy and clean. Since I was a child my parents have always encouraged me to do everything on my own. I guess because of that I do not let anyone make up my room, I always to do it myself. Usually, I help my parents with house chores like washing the dishes, doing laundry and overall cleaning the house. I can sew, repair clothes. I can cook for myself and others.
I have always enjoyed drawing, painting, participating in art projects and basically everything related to art. Since I have attended academic drawing classes, I could teach your children the basics and help them explore their creative mind. Also, I enjoy spending my time reading sci-fi and fantasy books. I am a fairly active person. I'm fond of many physical activities. Especially of running, swimming and skating. One of my favourite subjects in school is history. From my point of view, it not only teaches a past of humanity but also lets to predict future and comprehend nowadays events. Not to mention, but I am a true travel geek. Thanks to my parents, we travel a lot and usually, the whole trip is planned and scheduled by me! I adore discovering new places, facing new challenges and of course meeting new people.
All I need is respect, mutual understanding and warmth from the family. In my opinion, communicating, discussing everyday matters is one of the best ways to get along and have a beautiful relationship.

I only took care of my younger cousins a couple of times. I am a fast learner and will do my best to improve myself in this field. I want to work as an au pair in order to gain experience and help others. I like being with children, playing with them and it seems to me that children like me as well. Furthermore, I feel that helping children with their education and mental health is extremely important. I am that type of person, who enjoys helping others, taking care of them. In this way, I feel like I can really do something valuable not just to myself, but most importantly to others.

Je parle un peu francais, mais voudrais pratiquer cette belle langue et parler mieux.
Je m'appelle Pauline. Je suis une étudiante junior de Lituanie. J'ai un frère jumeau. J'ai deux chats et une chienne. J'aime beaucoup les animaux. Je suis une personne active, j'aime faire du vélo, courir, nager. J'aime beaucoup dessiner et peindre. Je suis allee à des cours de dessin académiques. Pour cette raison je peux enseigner à votre fille les bases du dessin ou peindre. En plus, j'aime lire les livres fantasrique ou de science-fiction. Une de mes matières préférées à l'école est l'histoire. Je peux cuisiner des aliments sains pour moi et les autres.Je suis la personne paisible et sortante, donc je suis sûr que nous nous entendrons bien.
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