Au pair, Indonesien
26 årige kvinde
Indonesisk nationalitet
Bor i Indonesien
Søger job som au pair
0 års erfaring med børnepasning
Har førstehjælpsbevis
Sidst log ind
lørdag 28. aug 2021
onsdag 19. maj 2021
Hello, my name is Vita Anggi Kusuma, just call me Vita. I am 23 years old. I come from Malang, East Java, Indonesia. I was born on 12 March 1998. I live in Jakarta. I am still working as an engineering drafter in a state-owned company. I am a Muslim but I am a very tolerant person, I grew up amidst the differences between my very diverse neighbors. I am the third of three siblings. My mother suffered a stroke, my father has died since 2017 and my siblings are married. I also have four beautiful and cute nieces from my siblings. I have never been an au pair before but, I often babysit the kids. My siblings, relatives and even my neighbors used to leave their children with me when I wasn't working. I take care of my nieces and nieces since my first nieces was born in 2013. I also understand how to put them to sleep, play with them or bathe them. Because, this experience I can be close to the children and understand their world. I am looking for a warm family, always cheerful, vibrant, energetic, can tolerate me, respect each other's differences and accept my weaknesses and strengths and can support me in any condition and can be my role model when one day I have a family.
Besides being busy working and studying, I also have a hobby. Usually, I exercise in the morning and after work but because of the pandemic I do sports at home such as workouts and gymnastics to keep my body in shape. I also often play futsal and badminton on weekends with my office colleagues and I also often swim. I also enjoy gardening, in between boring times I often garden because for me gardening is very good for health, such as being able to make myself more patient, refreshing my mind and strengthening memory. I often grow vegetables and fruit that are easy to care for and even have various herbs. Sometimes I also go to my late grandmother's yard just to refresh my mind and take plant seeds to plant at home and play in the river near the yard, but the river is now a toll road. I also like to mingle with nature like climbing hills, climbing mountains, going through the forest to refresh my mind. I also often cook, let alone experiment making new foods. I often cook for my mother and nieces when my nieces visit the house. I also like to read books at leisure, there is no specific book what I like because I read a wide variety of books. I also love animals.
I am looking for a warm family, always cheerful, vibrant, energetic, can tolerate me, respect each other's differences and accept my weaknesses and strengths and can support me in any condition and can be my role model when one day I have a family.
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