Au pair, Filippinerne
24 årige kvinde
Filippinsk nationalitet
Bor i Filippinerne
Søger job som au pair
1 års erfaring med børnepasning
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tirsdag 16. jan 2024
tirsdag 16. jan 2024
Hi! My name is Kate, 23 yrs old, and studied Biology at a university. Before proceeding to getting my masters degree, I want to take a little breather (labworks did a heavy toll on me) and decided to take this opportunity to experience a new culture abroad by becoming an aupair. •Bonds with the kids: I love all things about Science, History, and Arts. I'd like to really focus on your kids and help them with their homeworks, do crafts and arts either for fun or schoolwork with them, and of course, play all sorts of indoor and outdoor games with them on scheduled time! Who said a biologist can't swing that bat, swim that pool , shoot the hoops ⛹️, dance that beat, sing that song , ride the bike, draw that kid's favorites, and do fun cartwheels! I can do it all! •Light Housework: Your home will also be my future home, so I am willing to be involved in arranging or "decluttering" of few things around and inside the house. Please do consider that "deep cleaning" isn't for me. It's not because I won't do it, rather I cannot do it as it is out of my capability with my lack of hard experience in that area.☺️ However, my service range is open for discussion but is likely limited to: 1. I am willing to arrange and clean the kids' rooms, including their beds and toys. 2. A few cleaning on tabletops, and; 3. Picking up clutters on the floors when I see one. ( I'll be intuitive at best in every aspect when I see the chance that requires action and help within the house) • Teamwork: I wished to be an aupair with a hostfam that will also treat me as one of their family. It would be awkward at first, yes it will be. But I like us to be like a team. I'm good but may not be better at cooking hahaha, but I will still definitely help you during meal preparations on the table and we would work as a team together 'at times' when you need a helping hand to cook that dish! I am even happy to receive your teachings in cooking your country's dishes! (It would be an honor) It's like you, my host mother teaching me- a kid. We can also discuss about doing light laundry (machine), maybe once in a week or once in every two weeks. Honestly, I prefer doing this than cooking hahahaha. I don't really do much laundry lately when I was in Biology school, due to heavy academic workloads in the lab, especially with machine washing. But this will be a great experience to try and hoping you'll be there to help me grow and start me going on it! My expectations: I would be grateful if we would have that kind bond and the mutual respect we both deserve. I will also strictly follow the time schedules of 5-6 hours a day to avoid confusion on workloads and misunderstandings. I'll be really happy if we both share the same sentiments. I will also be way beyond thankful if you'd help me even in the smallest ways to enjoy the true experiences of becoming an aupair such as: 1. learning the language 2. explore the country's good places 3. enjoy events relating to the country or European culture (really looking forward to the snow, the food, and emaculate places around Europe) What to expect from me: I am actually a very bubbly person and funny to be with once you really get to know the real me. Your kids will be surely be at good hands because they are my priorities, after all. I'll treat them kindly just as how I treat my siblings at home. We could play light soccer games outside, a bit of running games, or do short cycling with the kids. I can also share some of the games we used to enjoy here in the Philippines if you want. It will also be so much fun if we could also do and draw arts with the kids as I genuinely enjoy coloring and drawing posters. If you want a bubbly or chatty person to be with in the house, chose me, as I might just fit in because I enjoy other people's company that greatly. So if you wanted to have an aupair who is a hype for everything, then count me in as your first or next aupair! ✨
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340 - 500 EUR pr. måned
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Familiens nationalitet
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