Au pair, Colombia
26 årige kvinde
Colombiansk nationalitet
Bor i Colombia
Søger job som au pair
3 års erfaring med børnepasning
Sidst log ind
fredag 22. apr 2022
fredag 08. apr 2022
Dear host family, My name is Karen Juliana Huerfano, I am 24 years old and I live in Choachi, Cundinamarca, Colombia with my family. My family and friends say that I am a very motherly, responsible and caring person, and I also love children, so this year I decided be an au pair. I am delighted to have the opportunity to improve my English, learn about a new lifestyle, your customs and their country. I would like to find a family that can make me feel welcome and part of their routine and be a member of their family. I want to learn from their culture and that they also learn from mine. I am so excited for the opportunity to get to know you better. I hope you had fun reading my letter and getting to know a little more about me. Best wishes, Karen. My personality : I am a responsible, confident, organized, patient, fun and cheerful person. I consider myself as a person who learns quickly and is always open to new things. Besides that I adapt very easily to new routines and I try to give the best of me in everything. I love nature and animals, I grew up in the countryside but I also lived in the city so I know both lifestyles. My Study: When I finished the high school, I decided to study Environmental Engineering in Bogota, the capital of my country. For me, it was one of the most important decisions of my life. Living away from home has taught me to value many things, to be much more responsible than I was before I left, and to mature as a person. I think it was a very good opportunity to learn more about myself and it was for me. My experience with childrens: My mother has three sisters and one brother, and my father has two sisters and five brothers, so I have a lot of uncles, aunts, and cousins. I have always been taking care of my brother when my parents were at work and also my cousins, preparing their meals, helping them with their homework, playing games and doing crafts together. I have always been surrounded by children! I love spending time with children and learning everything they can teach me every day. They learn a lot from us, but we learn more from them than we think. For me it is wonderful to see them grow with us and learn, little by little, to be more independent. My expectations : My expectations as an au pair are to be part of a beautiful family, spend good times with the family, get to know a new culture and improve my English level. It's sad to say that, although Colombia is a beautiful country with an impressive tourist potential, full of fauna and flora, with a spectacular gastronomic and cultural wealth, unfortunately the war and the corrupt governments have not allowed this nation to have opportunities even if you are professional then the job opportunities are very few. The aupair program seems to me interesting because I will not be alone, there will always be a family by my side that strengthens me and some children that make me happy every day and my sister did the program and had a nice experience.
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