Au pair, Argentina
23 årige kvinde
Argentinsk nationalitet
Bor i Argentina
Søger job som au pair
3 års erfaring med børnepasning
Sidst log ind
torsdag 07. okt 2021
fredag 01. okt 2021
Dear host family:

My name is Agustína Vila. I am 20 years old and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I live with my parents. My mom is Claudia and she is a housewife, most of her time is spent at home and we are always together; I also live with my dad who is called Omar works as a driver and I live with two medium dogs Peje and Mia.
I also have two older brothers, Gabriel and Nicolás.
I am a very restless girl and I am always doing something. A couple of years ago I was in a balloon design course, then I did a basic cooking course and a few months ago I was in a photography course.
I love cooking and I would like to do something more advanced in that sense again.
As part of the cultural trip I have 3 clear objectives
1- Improve my English or learn the native language
2- Buy a very good computer to study and work in Argentina
3- Live this experience to the fullest
Another thing that I like a lot is photography, that was passed to me by my father who was a photographer when he was young. I had the opportunity to work as a child photographer for a while and I realized that I loved being with the boys.
In mid-2017 they gave me my first camera and from that moment on I always took photos of my dogs and had the luck to do some small jobs such as covering a baby shower and children's parties, it was the photograph of my course and of many acts in the school. I always took photos of my friends for the end of the year party, and when the moment came with a friend we made a video and said goodbye to the year at a party with all our colleagues.
I'm willing to help around the house, clean, do the laundry, cook, help with the kids with homework, take the dog out and things like that.
Some things that define me for who I am, I am a creative person I love cooking and experimenting with food (in my family we have a tradition that once a month we go out and try something that we have never tried, that is something I would like to continue doing ) take photos, I like boys, I like doing sports, I love dogs and I am a person who is not afraid of new things.
I want this experience because I want to travel, see the world, know the most beautiful cities in the United States. I want to live in another culture, I want to be in another place and see totally new things.
I love the feeling of unknown places, that butterflies in your stomach flutter when you arrive in a new magical place. That is why I want to be an au pair, because I love everything it means, being with children, helping them and being there when they need someone. To be his support and his friend, in short to be his older sister (because that is the relationship I want with my family, I want them to want one more member of the family, someone with whom they can sit and talk or go for a walk or things like that ) I don't want to be someone who has a working schedule and locks herself in her room, I want to be with a family that trusts me and lets me go out with the kids to the parks, to the movies to do hundreds of activities. I really want to be part of your family. So that's a bit of me! I am very excited about the opportunity to get to know you better and be a member of your family. I hope you had fun reading my letter! I hope to hear from you and I am attentive in case you want to know more !! Kisses Agus.
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