Au-pair, Dänemark
21 Jahre alt weiblich
Dänisch nationalität
Lebt in Dänemark
Ich suche Arbeit als au-pair
2 jahre erfahrung in der kinderbetreuung
Mit Führerschein
Muss Erste-Hilfe-Zertifikat haben
Letzte Anmeldung
Dienstag 07. Mai 2024
Donnerstag 02. Mai 2024
My name is Sara and I am 21 years old. I am looking for a nanny/au pair job in august 2024 and 3-6 months ahead. I often get told that I am a very positive and open-minded girl, that gets everything done in time - and with that, I am a little bit of a perfectionist. The reason why I want to be an aupair, is to get the opportunity to learn something new about myself and life. I want to learn about new cultures and ways to live. I love to take care of children, and therefore I found this opportunity to be the perfect one. A more personally reason as to why I want to be an aupair, is because I never myself had a stable family with siblings and married parents. I’m an only child that grew up with my mother and a mentally nonexistent father. Therefore it would really mean the world to me, to be a part of creating a stable and fun childhood for your kids. I am someone that’s easily relational, and I have multiple inside-jokes with the kids I teach at school. We stick our tounges out at each other in the halls or make an ugly face. Anything really. It all depends on the child. I believe that humor is needed in a relationship between grown-up and child, as well as grown-up to grown-up. I am always up for an adventure, which is also why I would love to be a nanny or an au pair in a different and exicting country. I am a hard-working woman, but would also like some freetime - a mixture of both with and without the family. I work at a school as a pedagogue and an unskilled teacher. I start of being a teacher (mainly in 3rd class, but I have also worked for 2rd class and down to kindergarten). When school are over, I work as a pedagogue in SFO (this is a after-school arrangement which is a leisure facility for children. Ages arrange from 5-10), but i’m also interested in educating myself, and take care of children below the age of 5. I work 37 hours a week. I have a bit of experience in kids with special needs, both mental and physical. I work with a boy who’s autistic and has ADHD. Here I help with stabiliaisering. I have also worked with a girl that had defecation problems, where we had to scedule toilet visits, and I helped her with her needs. Other than that, we have weekly talks focusing around her getting stronger at socializing. I have no experience of being an au pair or a nanny abroad in a private home, but with my job as both a teacher and a pedagogue, I have experienced almost everything that I believe a nanny/au pair job requires. I have basic knowledge in hygiene, cleaning, first aid and general socialization around colleagues - and of course, child caring of ages between 4-10 years. Other than that, I live alone, which also requires me to do all of the above. In my freetime I play handball and I enjoy spending time with my friends. I love being active and to explore the outdoors, but I also appreciate relaxing indoors. When indoors, I like to crochet or to watch a movie. When visiting your country, I hope to get the opportunity to explore nature. A big dream of mine, is to learn how to surfe or to get a divers certificate.
Wohne in
Nationalität Familie
Nicht bevorzugt
Frühester Starttermin
Spätmöglichstes Startdatum
Kürzester Zeitraum, in dem das Kindermädchen benötigt wird
2 monat(e)
Längste Zeit in der das Kindermädchen erforderlich ist
6 monat(e)
Nicht spezifiziert
Kümmert sich um Kinder unter 2 Jahren
Kümmert sich um Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen
Hat Führerschein
Hat Ausbildung in Erster Hilfe
Kümmert sich um Haustiere
Kann schwimmen
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